The Eyes of Evil
The Eyes of Evil
"…for now, all we know is that when someone gets infected, they are quarantined at once, confined to a secure hospital. I wish for everyone's safety in the face of this virus, which is being referred to as: The Eyes of Evil."
Wim Ruijter as The Doctor
Larissa van Orselen as Jamie
Amber Jaasma as Emily
Simone Stessen as Jennifer
Jamai Christian Koelewijn as The Brigadier
Willem Hoeben as Captain Courtney
Flynn Munter as News Reporter
Hendrik Jan Brakels as medical Doctor
Milou van Marwijk as Iris
and introducing Renee Cramer as The Rani
Written by Wim Ruijter
Directed by Milou van Marwijk
Assistant Director Erik-Jan Veldman
Editing by Wim Ruijter and Milou van Marwijk
Cover art by Lars Bezuijen
Testreaders: Bas Pierik, Eline Berkhout, Larissa van Orselen, Robin Kamerman, Hendrik Jan Brakels, Erik-Jan Veldman and Milou van Marwijk
Theme tune originally composed by Ron Grainer
Music by Randell Mathilda
Executive producers: Wim Ruijter, Milou van Marwijk and Bas Pierik
Recommended watch
The recommended watch suggestions are here to ensure that you can fully appreciate the story.
The selection can vary from previous episodes of LPC - Doctor Who to a deep dive into the lore, or they may serve as inspiration for a specific episode.