The Trials of Dux
The Trials of Dux
The Doctor finds herself on one of the floating islands of Ramagorg. During the Festival of Dux no less. Though soon a different light is shed on those festivities.
Anna Ravenstijn as The Doctor
Thom Bomers as Porffale
Fleur Munter as Great Mother Mounevere
Nuï Schouten as Archdutchess Selion
Randell Mathilda as All-Father Dux
Erik-Jan Veldman as The Announcer
Stef Wagenaars as The Protectors of the Faith
and Sven van den Berg as Caemadon
Written by Bas Pierik
Directed by Milou van Marwijk
Assistant Director Erik-Jan Veldman
Editing by Stef Wagenaars, Wim Ruijter & Erik-Jan Veldman
Cover art by Lars Bezuijen
Testreaders: Bas Pierik, Eline Berkhout, Violet Paap, Larissa van Orselen, Ashley Vanson, Kim Slot, Erik-Jan Veldman and Milou van Marwijk
Music by Randell Mathilda
Executive producers: Wim Ruijter, Milou van Marwijk, Bas Pierik and Erik-Jan Veldman
Recommended watch
The recommended watch suggestions are here to ensure that you can fully appreciate the story.
The selection can vary from previous episodes of LPC - Doctor Who to a deep dive into the lore, or they may serve as inspiration for a specific episode.