Rip in Time
Rip in Time
Somewhere in the Catskill Mountains, The Doctor makes a new friend: Rip van Winkle. Funny little things in the forest are not always as innocent as they seem… and before they know it, The Doctor and Rip get involved in a bizar adventure.
Ashley Vanson as The Doctor
Klay van Peer as Rip van Winkle
Erik-Jan Veldman as Peter van der Donk
Renee Cramer as Dame van Winkle
Stijn de Boer as Little Jan
Randell Mathilda as Little Kees
Thom Bomers as Little Dirk
Sven van den Berg as Townsperson
and Milou van Marwijk as Rip van Winkle Junior
Written by Klay van Peer
Directed by Milou van Marwijk
Assistant Director Erik-Jan Veldman
Editing by Stef Wagenaars, Wim Ruijter & Erik-Jan Veldman
Cover art by Lars Bezuijen
Testreaders: Bas Pierik, Eline Berkhout, Larissa van Orselen, Hendrik Jan Brakels, Erik-Jan Veldman and Milou van Marwijk
Music by Randell Mathilda
Executive producers: Wim Ruijter, Milou van Marwijk, Bas Pierik and Erik-Jan Veldman
Recommended watch
The recommended watch suggestions are here to ensure that you can fully appreciate the story.
The selection can vary from previous episodes of LPC - Doctor Who to a deep dive into the lore, or they may serve as inspiration for a specific episode.