Hearts of the Doctor
60th Anniversary Special
Listen to the soundtrack
Hearts of the Doctor
Time is running out. The Daleks have taken over reality itself, and the very fabric of time and space is ripping at the seams. Will the 3 Doctors settle their differences and succeed in saving all that they hold dear?
Simone Stessen, Wim Ruijter, Stijn de Boer, Katie Haynes and Aaron Lowe as The Doctor
Eline Berkhout as Jessica
Robin Roso-Hendriks as Romana
John Leeson as K9
Erik-Jan Veldman, Daniël Koops and Wim Ruijter as the voice of The Daleks
Stijn de Boer as The Dalek God
Willem Hoeben as The Warden
Damian van Haperen and Daniël Koops as Robbers
Klay van Peer as Citizen
Stijn de Boer as The Cybermen
Erik-Jan Veldman as The Dalek Prophet
Larissa van Orselen as Brigadier Jamie
Milou van Marwijk as Colonel Iris
Jamai Christian Koelewijn as Lieutenant Lethbridge Stewart
and Hendrik Jan Brakels as Captain Nicholas
Written by Erik-Jan Veldman
Directed by Milou van Marwijk
Assistant Director Erik-Jan Veldman
Editing by Erik-Jan Veldman
Cover art by Lars Bezuijen
Testreaders: Bas Pierik, Eline Berkhout, Larissa van Orselen, Robin Kamerman, Hendrik Jan Brakels, Milou van Marwijk and Wim Ruijter
Theme tune originally composed by Ron Grainer
Music by Randell Mathilda
Daleks originally created by Terry Nation
Cybermen originally created by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis
Special thanks to Boris Rooseveld
Executive producers: Wim Ruijter, Milou van Marwijk, Bas Pierik and Erik-Jan Veldman
Get to know The Doctors
The Yellow Doctor
The Red Doctor
The Blue Doctor